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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Astrology And Human Life

By: Siva Karthikeyan

1.Astrology and its Influence on Human Life
Astrology can be defined as "the study of the real or supposed relationship between the Heavens and the people on the earth". It is, in fact, the science of divination, which calculates the supposed influence of planets upon human affairs and aims at foretelling the events on the earth by their movements, Postions and aspects. In simple words, it is the ancient science of predicting the course of human destiny with the help of indications deduced from the positions and movements of heavenly bodies.* It can be best summarized up in the saying, "As above, so below". Astrology believes that the Universe is the manifestation of ‘Divine Will and hence, is subject to interpretation. The basic premise of Astrology, therefore, is that the events in the Havens correspond to those on earth.
2.Horoscope/Birth Chart
Just as a solider cannot fight without a gun, similarly an astrologer must have the horoscope or "The map of the Hour" as his chief weapon. Separate chapters have been assigned to the ‘Casting of a horoscope Zodiac hours, signs, constellations ECT. For the convenience of the readers and to facilitate exact interpretation of the birth chart.
The earth revolves around the sun once in a year and it appears to make a circle of the Zodiac. The sign or constellation against which the sun appears to rise on the day of birth is called the ‘sun-sign’. In parties we often hear people telling each other, "I am a Leo, are you a Virgo?" Thus the sun-sign is the most important factor in the chart as the Sun represents the creative life force.
4.Ascendant or Rising Sign (Lagna)
As the earth rotates on its axis once a day, we have the second daily cycle of the zodiac. The sign at the time of birth of an individual is called the ‘Rising Sign’ and the sunrise point itself is called the ‘Ascendant’. This is equally important in the interpretation of a horoscope. The ‘Ascendant’ further determines the division of the horoscope into twelve houses.
5.Three Broad Classifications of Astrology
There are three broad classifications of astrology, viz. Natal Astrology, Mundane Astrology and Horary Astrology:
(a)Natal Astrology :- Natal Astrology aims at analyzing the character of the individual and predicting his future on the basis of horoscope.
(b)Mundane Astrology :- It deals with Universal phenomena such as wars, natural calamities, earthquakes, floods, famines, political turmoil and upheaval etc.
(c)Horary Astrology :- It is based upon the assumption that the horoscope of any given moment can determine the meaning and significance of that moment. A question is put to an astrologer at a particular moment and he prepares the chart for that moment when the particular question is asked.He accordingly makes his predictions.

The author is experienced in Hindu astrology and vedic astrology. He is known for his accurate future predictions. He is the best person to contact if you are keen to know your future . He specializes in Indian Astrology Compatibility and Baby birth chart.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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